X-Men Evolution Wiki
Four Horsemen of Apocalypse
Biographical Information
Name: Four Horsemen of Apocalypse
Members: Professor X Horseman of Death

Magneto Horseman of War
Mystique Horseman of Pestilence
Storm Horseman of Famine

Species: Mutant
Status: Disbanded


Episode Info

The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse are four mutants chosen by Apocalypse himself to serve him against his enemies. To aid them in their servitude, Apocalypse implanted biochips on/in them that enhance their powers. Their normal method of transportation are the Horses of Apocalypse. Their names are derived from the biblical Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Known Horsemen

  • Charles Xavier: Horseman of Death. Former leader of the X-Men. Though paralyzed, he was able to walk again (most likely through the implants). His psychic abilities were enhanced and he was given the ability to create psychic energy constructs/weapons, such as a scythe.


  • Telekinetic Weapons
  • Astral Projection
  • Force Fields
  • Flight

  • Magneto: Horseman of War. Former leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants and the Acolytes. His magnetic powers were enhanced and he could survive in the vacuum of space (most likely through ionized air).


  • Magnetic Manipulation
  • Electromagnetic Manipulation
  • Force Fields
  • Flight

  • Mystique: Horseman of Pestilence. Former leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants and Magneto's second-in-command. Her shapeshifting powers were enhanced to the point where she could become more than one creature at once, turn body parts into weapons, become liquid, and could heal wounds and regrow limbs. She was also capable of opening holes in her body to allow attacks to pass through her without harm to herself.


  • Shapeshifting
  • Accelerated Healing Factor
  • Superhuman Agility
  • Animal Swarming

  • Storm: Horseman of Famine. Former member of the X-Men. Her control over the weather was greatly enhanced.


  • Weather Manipulation
  • Optic Force Blasts
  • Electrokinesis
  • Flight


  • The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse are based off the biblical Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Conquest (later addressed as Pestilence), War, Famine and Death.
  • The implants placed on each member made them resemble Apocalypse.
  • When Apocalypse revealed his horsemen, their clothing was damaged, implying that the implants on Professor X, Magneto, Mystique & Storm the implants were applied with force by Apocalypse.
  • When Apocalypse was defeated, they lost their enhanced powers.
  • In the comics, Gambit, Wolverine and Angel were all briefly the Horseman of Death.
  • It is currently unknown if Apocalypse had others to serve as his horsemen before using Xavier, Magneto, Storm and Mystique.
  • In X-Men: Apocalypse, the themes of the Four Horsemen were politics, military, youth and sex.